deKay's Lofi Gaming

Astro Boy: Omega Factor: THE OMEGA!

Well. Luckily, the SuckySuck(TM) bit was only three bosses long, and, even though the third one was that stupid as-big-as-the-screen dung beetle thing, which kills you if you touch it (but you can’t really avoid it as it’s so huge), I managed it after many, many attempts. I’m sure developers put bits like that in otherwise excellent games just to irritate me. After that, I had to kill Three Eyes (Sharaku), which was as easy as before only I had …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Hoorah! The World’s Strongest Robots si teh defeat0rised. Again. Turns out they were not quite as difficult as I was expecting this time round, and Pluto only took 326325 attempts instead of 9843965839. After that, it was Stage Hoppathon time, meeting people and collecting “clues”. I would repeat them here, but they’re both spoilers, and completely hatstand. So, fought a huuuuge great ninja robot, jousted with a robot on a robot horse, and generally got very, very confused. And then …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Gah! Who decided to make the second run-through of the game about 89263864 times harder than the first? For starters, the baddies are now harder to kill (despite me being pretty well powered up compared to the first run), which doesn’t help. Then there’s the fact you have fewer restart points, so you have to get further through levels without dying. Managed to make my way up to level 7-1 again – where the World’s Strongest Robots are waiting. Again. …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Er, OK. So “Pluto” (no, not Mickey Mouse’s dog, the big hornéd robot thing) wasn’t impossible after all. Sodding hard, but not impossible. I’ve spent more time trying to kill him than actually playing the rest of the game so far. Yes, “so far”. Despite being the end of game boss, Pluto isn’t the end of the game. Oh no – there’s more. Lots more. Only, it’s the same as before only different. Er. Yes. Basically, after killing Pluto, you …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

OK, so I killed Buzzsaw Bloke, finally. In fact, on the go I actually killed him, I didn’t even take a hit. The next boss, some kind of girly underwater bloke who summoned whales and purple spore things, was really easy, and was dead before I even realised what he was doing. But. The boss after that. A big green robot with horns and lasers and stuff. Who turns into a tornado thing and kills you in milliseconds. Who often …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

This game is a bit bloody hard, isn’t it? I managed the green golum bit, and waded through more levels. Baddies so far have included flying fish, Easter Island heads on stone unicycles, ninja robots, a train, men in trenchcoats, bizarre Inca pigmies, and flying boats with rocket launchers. Some of the shooty sections are very much like Parodius, it would seem. Now I’m on level 7, and it’s boss-fight-a-go-go. It’s almost a SuckySuck(TM) bit, but since I haven’t fought …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

This was cheap at Evil Game at the weekend, so I bought it. Yes, I am weak. Again. But it’s great! Platformy without much in the way of platforms, shooty but not really a shooter, and fighty but not a beat ’em up. Up to level 2-4 so far, after beating up some bees and spiders, and a giant metal spider, and some other baddies, and a horse, duck and a rabbit in a tyre, and a soldier who can …

Top 10 Game Boy Advance Games

Ah, the Game Boy Advance. To many, a portable SNES without enough buttons to effectively be a portable SNES, and one with a screen invisible in all but the glow of a 100W lightbulb. That didn’t stop it from having arguably the best catalogue of games of any system, however, and with the lit screen of the GBA SP (further refined in the GB Micro), it became and remains my favourite handheld ever. And I loved my DS and 3DS a lot. …

Completed 2005

Pikmin 2(GC 12/01/2005) Zoo Keeper(DS 29/01/2005) Paper Mario 2(GC 30/01/2005) Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude(Xbox 07/02/2005) Sonic Adventure DX(GC 09/02/2005) Fable(Xbox 17/02/2005) Mr Driller: Drill Spirits(DS 17/02/2005) Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap(GBA 21/02/2005) Ribbit King(GC 27/02/2005) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas(PS2 06/03/2005) Gitaroo Man(PS2 12/03/2005) Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon(Xbox 19/03/2005) Yoshi Touch & Go(DS 27/03/2005) Mario Golf: Advance Tour(GBA 28/03/2005) Metroid Fusion(GBA 08/04/2005) Bubble Bobble: Old & New(GBA 15/04/2005) Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars(GBA 18/04/2005) …